Egyptian Mau


LIVING MONUMENT - THE CAT WITH scarab on the forehead and necklaces on NECK – HOME CHEETAH


Many people have dreamed of owning your home a cat, that looks like a small cheetah, for all domesticated and very well socjalizowanego, very elegant in gorgeous colors, wonderful and faithful companion, and for the time relic of the past and mysticism owianego legends and mysteries - just such a Egyptian Mau Cat. These magnificent Cats Egyptian Mau are the oldest, most mysterious race known in the world - mythical cats with history dating back several thousand years can still enjoy us with his presence and continue to be available in several world cultures. Derived from Ancient Egypt, the history of humanity has known for more than 4 thousand years. They were surrounded by many legends and revered as gods, protected by law, These little critters are mottled relic of the past, after death were mummified and buried along with the Pharaohs and Kings. Many readings of hieroglyphics gives them time exaggerated the power and strength to fight against evil forces. In those days, the rich people Cats These were members of the household specially treated, because it was believed that it can protect your family and property.


Recent genetic studies, The doctor who conducted Leslie Lyons confirmed undeniably Egyptian origin of the cat. Egyptian Mau very often experienced in the art of Egypt and many artistic transfers shows us the look of this beautiful Kota.To only domesticated cats with spots, which can only be seen on the outside of the coat. They are bringing happiness, weapon against evil spirits and prevent evil, disease, and the hieroglyphics are records, that could cure, protect and drive away evil powers. In Ancient Egypt, the monuments erected- venerated and worshiped. History has treated them no mercy with time almost completely disappeared from our planet.

Want when Egipsku to kot, This is the ancestor of domesticated Nubian Wildcat is the great-grandfather of all cats. In the year 1956 North America have been smuggled Egyptian Mau cats three by Russian confectioners and princess Natalie Torubetskoy, were females Baba and Liza and Tomcats in which they called Jojo. Mau has been entered in the register in the Cat Show 1979 in America and began to lead his selective breeding, with time and increased genetic pool for breeders. The world is only a few breeding these cats, This is a very special breed in the world's most sought. Cats the Egyptian Mau is the fastest domestic cats can run at a speed of 45km h, are friendly and curious what they see need to know, touch and understand. They are very forgiving and criminal, a good understanding of what they must not do. There is an exaggerated statement, that the only cats understand human speech and not only phonetic but body language. From the messages we, that the ancient Egyptians believed in the healing powers of these cats, this may be some truth to the example of an inhabitant of France Janette Roser in which cancer was detected in the liver 2010 , and the treatment did not give almost any outcome. Doctors said, that left her more than five months of life to come to terms with what. At the same time her daughter Salima Roser, who for some time lived in the United States returned to France to look after his sick mother and spend time with her last moments, brought with him his Cat - Egyptian Mau, which a few years earlier, purchased in the United States. Cat quickly acclimated to the new place and more and more time spent in the mother cat owner choose the affected area and frighteningly loud purring. After several days of pain in the liver began to give way slightly, and after two months, the test was repeated sick woman, which showed, that the tumor has neither a trace. Perhaps the cat in all of this was just a coincidence, but you can not refer to self-suggestion because neither the owner of the cat nor her mother did not know the history of the breed and never heard about the healing properties of Egyptian Cats - This story gives much food for thought, In any event, French doctors have stated that Ms. Janette Roser recovery for them is incomprehensible, and that the first such known case when it came to self-healing of advanced malignancy. Ms. Janette has at the moment three Egyptian cats including two purchased in Poland. There are many similar events .......

They are willing to play fetch, force would be in the spotlight. Mau are very faithful to love their owners, suitable for the entire family. If a cat becomes friends with a man for life brings him happiness and becomes his shadow and guardian. Watching facial expressions Mau can read his mind, happy disposition and lack of indifference to their surroundings feature prescribed. They have great hearing and sense of smell, and incredible instincts to to sense things that have to happen. Power of these cats is clearly perceptible, owners of individual representatives of the Egyptian Mau around the world say that cats have changed their lives for the much better, that repel problems and troubles, protect and care for the house and a man if you just is not worth it. The possibility of having such a cat for many years was a real dream, which is brought about. The Egyptian Mau body structure reminiscent of the mid-sized cheetahs, short cats are beautiful and very intelligent are distinctive features-one of which is a fold of skin extending to the abdomen after knee elongated hind legs provide a greater range of motion and longer spikes during the run increases the speed of a cat- Another feature is the unusual robe, There are three colors: silver, smoky and brown, further feature are expressive eyes, large, bright and oval in adult cats are gaining extraordinary color often have eyes the color of gooseberry, distinctive shade of green and the mouth looks as if they were painted mascara, around the eyes can see dark lines. The Egyptian Mau live from 18 do 20 years live to a ripe old age in full health, care of these cats is very simple, just put the old pantyhose for men and wygłaskać them a cat in this way remove dead hair. Cats of this breed have an amazing feature when they are happy start to giggle literally the cat should belong to the family, be a part of it, then you really will be happy and lucky move. I feel good where I find his friend-man, easy to condition the cats should not be intrusive for the kindness which we shall know of a man is able to repay. Definitely prefer the company of people from other cats or dogs, which is also no problem to get along.

Cats Egyptian Mau, can interbreed with each other regardless of where (one of the three colors) occur in silver, brown and smoky.

Body :

Slightly elongated, medium-sized, muskularne, but slim and elegant. A loose flap of skin that descends from the shoulders down to the knees. Legs medium length, delicate and rounded paws. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front. Tail of medium length, wide at the base and tapering gently.

Head :

Moderate wedge shape with gently rounded contours, without any planes, cheeks are not full, profile has the transition from forehead to nose, that line stretches and harmonizes with the neck.

Head :

Moderate wedge shape with gently rounded contours, without any planes, cheeks are not full, profile has the transition from forehead to nose, that line stretches and harmonizes with the neck.

Nose uniform width from base, until the end. Muzzle of medium length, not sharp, chin and jaw very strong.

The ears are medium-sized basis of a wider, placed vertically and ended moderately sharp, well apart.

Almond-shaped eyes, placed at an account-green gooseberries - Mau silver. Overall impression painted pencil eye cat.

Coat :

On average, short, fitting to body, soft and delicate occurring in three colors :silver, smoky and brown.

Mottle pattern is very contrasted, clearly visible, spots located along the spine Blend-straps on the hip and on the tip of the tail. Extending from the spine down the whole body, until the leg. One or more drawings necklace on the neck and two rows of buttons on the stomach.


Developing Krzysztof Wycichowski
All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.

text composed as a model in the Association of Breeders Cats – WCF

made available for publication

sharing only with the consent of the author.


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